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Canal lining project

Project information

Project name

Black Canyon Irrigation District Canal lining project


Notus, Idaho, US


Black Canyon Irrigation District


Black Canyon Irrigation District

Construction time

October 2007

Project details

Project description and challenge

The elevated unlined irrigation canal along the 1-mile section was seeping along its sides into the adjacent farmer’s field. To avoid a potential collapse of the canal along this section, lining this section was proposed.


It was recommended to Black Canyon Irrigation to use a composite to eliminate the seepage along the 1-mile section. In October 2007, the Black Canyon Irrigation District installed the material parallel to the canal using its own personnel. The Composites was seamed using a hot melt adhesive at a rate of 1 lb/6 feet of seam.


They supplied 25 feet wide x 300 feet long rolls which shortened the installation timeframe, and reduced the number of seams. The product is user friendly which permitted the Black Canayon Irrigation District to utilize its own personnel to install the material which was a cost savings to the District.