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Stretched system for timber warehouse

Project information

Project name

Wind and weather protection for timber warehouse


Haselünne, DE


E. A. Vehmeyer OHG Builders’ merchant and sawmill


E. A. Vehmeyer OHG Builders’ merchant and sawmill


E. A. Vehmeyer OHG Builders’ merchant and sawmill

Construction time

E. A. Vehmeyer OHG Builders’ merchant and sawmill

Project details

Project description and challenge

The E. A. Vehmeyer OHG building centre in Haselünne comprises a builders’ merchant outlet and a modern sawmill. As an ideal warehousing solution for the high-grade converted timber products, the client sought a means of combining weather protection with efficient through ventilation and the proper conditions for wood seasoning.


The client opted for a large area tensioned assembly incorporating wind protection systems in the eaves and gable areas. The installed stretched systems are fitted with 4 m high and up to 15 m wide wovens. The small mesh size of this fabric ensures both an adequate air change rate and reliable protection against wind and rain. Wind loads are accommodated by polyester belt straps, stitched on across the entire width to provide horizontal tensioning.


The stretched system offers ideal weather protection coupled with efficient through ventilation and suitable conditions for wood seasoning. Installation of the wind protection meshes is fast and straightforward, requiring no elaborate ancillaries. In case of a later warehouse extension, they can be quickly dismantled with minimal wear and tear. Overall, the weather protection system offers an ideal, cost-effective solution.